Thursday, October 8, 2009

Disease as Art

As I wait on some posts from our more famous authors (Currently Josh Hogan and Dr. Eswine are fighting for the most hits/post), I will continue to steal compelling posts that I find from other sites.

The reason I am doing this is that I want to think more and better. I want to integrate my Christian Worldview into everything I see.

I came across the art of Luke Jerram through a series of other blogs. His medium is sculpture, his vision is to present disease in a beautiful medium. I encourage you to not only go and look at his work , but also to read the testimonials. It is very powerful to read a man with AIDS describe his reaction to the art that displays what is killing him. It is disorienting to say the least. I cannot fully imagine how disorienting it is for the men and women who see his work and are being affected by any of his diseases.

Our church sponsors an Art Gallery, and even though we already sponsor it, we continue to wrestle with why it is important. One of the many reasons is that: I think it is healthy and good for men and women to be exposed to art. As a cultural form it often deconstructs that which is evil and destructive, and constructs a vision for a world that is not quite as big of a mess as we currently occupy. Luke Jerram's art is an interesting hybrid of those two ideas - displaying the destruction (for whatever reason) and also offering that there is beauty even in these heinously evil diseases.

I hope you have the time to look at his work - even through the internet.

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